Air India Boeing 787-8 VT-ANP Mahatma Ghandi Phoenix PH4AIC2054 Scale 1:400
Air India Boeing 787-8 VT-ANQ Guru Nanak 550 Years Celebration Phoenix PH4AIC2055 Scale 1:400
Air India Boeing 787-8 VT-ANV 150 Years Of Celebrating The Mahatma NG Model 59015 Scale 1:400
Air India Express Boeing 737 MAX 8 VT-BXA GeminiJets GJAXB2260 Scale 1:400
Air India Express Boeing 737-800 VT-AXD Phoenix 10120 Scale 1:400
Air India Express Boeing 737-800 VT-AXE Phoenix 10121 Scale 1:400
Air India Lockheed L-1011-500 V2-LEJ NG Model 35018 Scale 1:400
Air India Lockheed L-1011-500 V2-LEK NG Model 35019 Scale 1:400
Air Jamaica Boeing 737-800 9Y-JMA GeminiJets GJAJM1051 Scale 1:400
Air Japan Boeing 787-8 JA803A JC Wings SA4042 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Ilyushin Il-62M P-618 JC Wings EW462M001 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Ilyushin Il-62M P-881 GeminiJets GJKOR663 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Ilyushin Il-62M P-885 GeminiJets GJKOR1730 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Tupolev Tu-134B P-813 Panda Models 202015 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Tupolev Tu-134B P-814 Panda Models 202016 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Tupolev Tu-154B P-552 Phoenix 11798 PH4KOR2379 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Tupolev Tu-154B P-552 Phoenix 84005001 Scale 1:400
Air Koryo Tupolev Tu-154B P-561 NG Model 54010 Scale 1:400